Powell Gets Punched in the Mouth

In normal environments, the Fed is in sync with the market, so when the Fed cuts rates, long-term borrowing costs follow that path. But when the Fed does the wrong thing – long duration bonds like the 10-year U.S. Treasuries run screaming in the opposite direction. That seems to be the case now.

Where Are They Now?

An investment fad is a short-term financial trend that quickly gains popularity and interest among investors – but typically lacks long-term viability or strong underlying fundamentals. Let’s look at several prominent fads of the last decade and see what they reveal about today’s investment fads.

We Told You So…

Special Issue: Boeing Collapses. On January 27 of 2023 Porter & Co. published a warning about a mega-cap American stock. For the last 20 years there hasn’t been a company in America that’s embraced more terrible ideas from financial engineering to ESG and DEI than Boeing.

A Champion Company That Plays to Win

Now that we’ve freed up capital ahead of the financial panic, we can build a shopping list of the world’s best businesses. In this issue, we’ll unpack one of the greatest endorsement deals of all time – and show how it transformed one company from a struggling industry laggard into a classic “forever stock.”