Faster Gas, Bigger Profits

In this issue, we analyze a company that has the ultimate energy business model. Unlike its peers that are plagued by project delays, this company has brought its first two natural-gas terminals online in record time – allowing it to get to market sooner, for less money, leading to great profits over time.

Cold War 2.0 and the Coming Global Energy Wars

Right now, U.S. gas prices are among the lowest in the world. But as America increasingly expands its LNG export infrastructure, U.S. natural gas prices will increasingly converge with much-higher international prices. And the companies that own low-cost gas reserves today will reap a windfall.

I Almost Went to Jail in Qatar – Here’s What I Learned

The tiny, gas-rich country is opulent, uptight…and weak on the rule of law. Editor’s Note: We’re turning this week’s issue of Something You Don’t Know over to Porter & Co. publisher Kim Iskyan, for a boots-on-the-ground report from the Middle Eastern country of Qatar – which is at the crossroads of the global fossil fuels

Grab a Bucket: It’s About to Rain Gold

The Next Phase of the Bear Market will start with a Subprime Auto Credit Collapse, then a Commodities Crash and finally Consumer Panic. Lucky Lopez buys repo’d cars. He’s a 20-year veteran of the auto industry. As a car dealer and auction buyer, Lopez sits on the frontline of the auto financing market. He’s even

America’s Next Great Energy Fortune Just Broke Ground

How Driftwood Will Turn $2 Billion into $100 Billion With Two Permits and Bechtel. What Happens When Political Delusions Run Headlong into Economic Realities.   Sunday, September 7th, 2008 was a bad day for Hank Paulson. The U.S. Treasury Secretary (and former CEO of Goldman Sachs) was dealing with a financial Armageddon – one he’d

The Gods of Gas

How two brothers (you’ve never heard of) became America’s largest producers of natural gas… What they’re doing next will make billions and transform the global market for energy. “The company’s corporate slogan ought to be death to Saudi Arabia.” The media and our political leaders are focused on today’s short-term bear market problems: gasoline prices,