A “Gold Digger” That Gets Paid to Do Nothing

Unless central banks and policymakers are willing to deal with a major credit crash, all roads lead back to lower interest rates and more money printing. That’s why we believe now is the time to safeguard your wealth from the demise of fiat currencies with the two ultimate stores of value.

The “Paint-By-Numbers” 15% Compounder

When a company has a dominant brand with pricing power, robust profit margins, and high capital efficiency, the returns can be enormous. Today, we’ll introduce a company that checks all these boxes and has used every downturn to acquire weaker competitors and take market share.

Cold War 2.0 and the Coming Global Energy Wars

Right now, U.S. gas prices are among the lowest in the world. But as America increasingly expands its LNG export infrastructure, U.S. natural gas prices will increasingly converge with much-higher international prices. And the companies that own low-cost gas reserves today will reap a windfall.

How To Build Permanent Wealth

Porter & Co. is looking for a “maniacal” distressed debt analyst… see the end of this email for details… Late last month, the Wall Street Journal passed along a “great” stock tip. It was only about a decade late. “Any stock that doubles in five years, outperforms tech giants over three years and beats more