Profiting From the Remote-Learning Boom

This issue features of one of the largest and best-known online education companies in the world. The bonds declined 75% from their highs as the business stagnated in 2023 but now offer good value. As we detail in the analysis, these are speculative bonds with a meaningful chance of gain, a possibility of bankruptcy, and a real chance of loss.
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Bond Market Stress Declines… For Now

Bank loans are becoming harder to obtain. Meanwhile, credit ratings on corporate bond issuers are improving. The freight train represented by credit tightening is hurtling down the track, but it hasn’t arrived at the station yet.
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Moody’s Shows “Hidden” Defaults on the Rise

As escalating default and bankruptcy rates make bond investors increasingly risk-averse, we can expect to see a growing number of basically sound companies’ bonds trading at depressed prices. And that means opportunities for distressed debt investors will increase materially over the next year.
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