The “Black Swan” Trader Strikes Again
In today’s “two-for-the-price-of-one” recommendation, we pair one of the best distressed debt vehicles available, with a company that offers an inflation hedge through its exposure to higher commodity prices.
In today’s “two-for-the-price-of-one” recommendation, we pair one of the best distressed debt vehicles available, with a company that offers an inflation hedge through its exposure to higher commodity prices.
If you’ve never traded bonds before, start here. Our Distressed Investing team will walk you through how bonds work, how and where to purchase them, and what to say to your broker (even if they don’t understand bonds). We also include a handy glossary, a clear breakdown of “bond math,” and more.
Houlihan Lokey (HLI) is a cash-rich, debt-free financial firm that specializes in restructuring…helping soon-to-be-bankrupt companies get back on their feet. In today’s debt-crushed environment, there’s no better business to be in. A shares position in HLI is the perfect first exposure to the fascinating world of distressed debt. Houlihan Lokey is a “forever company” that
Eventually, people will stop worrying about the viability of private banks like Credit Suisse, and start worrying about the viability of central banks and the currencies they issue. The coming loss of faith in government-issued currency will cause the ultimate bank run – a run on central banks. A Run on Central Banks On March
Today’s issue will be the first market and portfolio update from our Director of Distressed Investing, Martin Fridson.
Thanks to an activist showdown in 2019, investors can now access a public company that is effectively a hedge fund-style investment vehicle, helmed by one of the best fund managers on Wall Street.
In light of the past week’s extraordinary market events, we’re releasing this “state of the markets” briefing.
In today’s special edition of Something You Don’t Know, you’ll find an important briefing from credit analyst and author Martin Fridson, who leads Porter & Co.’s Distressed Investing team.