The Naughty List – An Investor’s Version 2024
It’s Naughty List time. In this once-a-year special edition, we make a list of our least-favorite, worst-performing companies, check it twice, and tell you why they’re not so nice.
It’s Naughty List time. In this once-a-year special edition, we make a list of our least-favorite, worst-performing companies, check it twice, and tell you why they’re not so nice.
While corporate insiders and Wall Street analysts wave the caution flag by selling way more than buying, retail investors have never been more euphoric. We look at how that plays out across The Big Secret portfolio.
U.S. equity funds have experienced more inflows of capital than any prior year on record – and four times as much as is going into non-U.S. equities. The divergence is creating a big buying opportunity.
This quick-serve restaurant has figured out how to beat rising food prices, using a savvy mix of business strategies that have kept its revenue and earnings growing at over 20% per year. It has delivered some of the best returns in the stock market for a decade.
In this second short recommendation in as many weeks, we show how Bank of America is going to go spectacularly bust, and when it does, it’s going to take down a lot of other banks with it.
This week, we’re adding our first short to The Big Secret portfolio – that is, a stock we think will decline. This American manufacturer and defense icon has been destroyed by horrific management and regulatory failures… and we think there’s a real chance that shareholders will be wiped out.
Regardless of what changes an incoming Trump administration might implement, we believe it’s only a matter of time before greed shifts to fear, and prices fall by 50% or more. Those who raise cash now will be in a position to buy world-class businesses at bargain-basement prices.
The bottom line is that all government spending will ultimately be paid for either through direct taxation, or more likely, through this “secret tax” we write about today. But, of course, it will be ordinary people who foot the bill either way.
Covering everything from workers’ compensation to terrorist attacks, the founders of this insurance company are excellent stewards of shareholder capital and they oversee a disciplined and profitable underwriting process, generating high margins and increasing market share.
Nearly a decade ago, Porter made a big gold-stock recommendation that generated massive returns. Now we see another huge opportunity in this space. In fact, this setup could prove to be even better than the last one – because there is one key difference now.