Big Secret On Wall Street
Holding On To Power
This excerpt from The Dictator’s Handbook explains that institutions are bubbling cauldrons of individual agendas that may or may not overlap with that of the institution. The authors pack the book with vivid stories and examples.
Sell Alert: Close ATKR Position as Q3 Results Disappoint
We are recommending selling shares of electrical-infrastructure equipment maker Atkore (NYSE: ATKR). The company reported disappointing results for its fiscal Q3 earnings period (ending June 30). We’ll provide an in-depth review of the results in the upcoming portfolio update on August 16. For now, the key takeaway is that the company has suffered from a
The “King of Bankruptcy” With Nerves of Steel
Wilbur Ross engaged in the nitty-gritty of negotiations among distressed companies and their creditors during his decades at the center of some of Wall Street’s biggest bankruptcies. In this exclusive excerpt from his upcoming memoir, Risks and Returns, Ross provides readers a fresh viewpoint as someone who was in the game.
Recession Indicator Flashes Red
The economy has reached a critical inflection point, with widespread consumer distress and a stalling labor market signaling an imminent recession. We’re bracing for a bear market, and providing an update on some of the recommendations in The Big Secret portfolio.
The Gods of Gas
How two brothers that you’ve never heard of became America’s largest producers of natural gas… What they’re doing next will make billions and transform the global market for energy.
The Quiet Decline of a Discount Broker
We know this company as a popular discount broker but as it has moved into retail banking it is finding itself slowly slipping under water.