Sunday Investment Chronicles

Welcome to the Daily Journal Sunday Investment Chronicles: All the insight from the past week that you need to know, in one convenient place… Every Sunday we’ll highlight the most compelling insights from Porter & Co., and we’ll also share the most interesting and valuable research from elsewhere in the worlds of investing, finance, and economics that we come across each week.

Google … Or Auto Parts?

Compared to tech darling Google, this company is the very definition of boring: slow growth, low margins, and capital intensive. Many would argue that it’s also a pretty lousy business. But digging into the financial statements of both this company and Google makes you wonder… which company is actually better?

Sunday Investment Chronicles

Welcome to the Daily Journal Sunday Investment Chronicles: All the insight from the past week that you need to know, in one convenient place… Every Sunday we’ll highlight the most compelling insights from Porter & Co., and we’ll also share the most interesting and valuable research from elsewhere in the worlds of investing, finance, and economics that we come across each week.

Should You (Ever) Sell A Great Company?

Like it or not, stocks are now so expensive that it’s virtually certain that equity returns on the S&P 500 will not be very attractive for the next decade. But if you hold great businesses and if you’re prepared to hold them for the long term, then there’s nothing to worry about, says Porter.