August 2024
The Revolution’s Frail Foundation
This real-life thriller takes readers to the intersection of business, global politics, and technology to explore the risks involved in the production of microchips, which power the world’s computer-processing needs.
Two Companies, Two Blowout Reports
With a 64% probability of the Fed cutting interest rates in September, the macro economic environment is clearly shifting in the right direction for biotech, but even before that has happened, these two companies released blowout earnings reports.
Our Rendezvous With Destiny
This week, we share the first chapter of The Fourth Turning Is Here, Neil Howe’s followup to his 1997 cult favorite The Fourth Turning, which predicted that a period of political and economic upheaval would rattle the U.S. midway through the first decade of the 2000s – the Great Financial Crisis of 2008.
Breaking Out of the Pack
Within the junk heap of distressed debt are bonds of companies that turn themselves around and get out of distress. Those bonds re-enter the non-distressed ranks, rewarding holders with big price gains on top of the super-high yields earned along the way.
Open Forum With Tom Carroll and Kim Iskyan
We are excited to share with you this latest Porter & Co. Open Forum – a regular feature through which analysts talk about their portfolios, key drivers of the economy, and top ideas, and address subscribers’ queries… Today, we bring you a discussion between Activist Investor editor Tom Carroll and publisher and CEO Kim Iskyan.
Double Down or Sell
The share prices of the four businesses we review in this issue got whacked by the overall slowdown in the economy – but except for one that we recommend selling, the long-term outlook for them remains bullish.
The Lesser-Known Brains Behind Buffett
Big Secret on Wall Street analyst Ross Hendricks provides an excerpt of Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings, an investing classic by Philip A. Fisher… whose work directly inspired Warren Buffett’s investment strategy.
A Normally Quiet Month That Went Bang!
This monthly update explains why stocks in the Activist Investor portfolio tend not to follow the wild gyrations of market volatility, while also providing a look at most of the recommendations in the portfolio.