Adding Three New ‘Best Buys’ To The Portfolio
This is Porter & Co.’s The Big Secret on Wall Street, our flagship publication that we publish every Thursday at 4 pm ET. Once a month, we provide to our paid-up subscribers a full report on a stock recommendation, and also a monthly extensive review of the current portfolio, as we share below – including a sell alert for one company… At the end of this week’s issue, paid-up subscribers can find our Top 3 “Best Buys,” three current portfolio picks that are at an attractive buy price. You can go here to see the full portfolio of The Big Secret.
Every week in The Big Secret, we provide analysis for non-paid subscribers. If you’re not yet a subscriber, to access the full paid issue, the portfolio, and all of our Big Secret insights and recommendations, please click here.
Last week in The Big Secret on Wall Street, we addressed the single biggest mistake any investor can make: selling a great business too soon, by overreacting to a short-term decline in the share price.
In this issue, we’ll provide updates on several current Big Secret recommendations that have fallen in value, and explain why we’re keeping these stocks in the portfolio.
Three of the companies in this week’s update have experienced declines in their share prices of 30% to 50% due to operational and strategic missteps, exogenous shocks, and/or fears of new competitive threats. But these are world-class brands that have and that we believe will continue to dominate their respective industries.
The selloff in these shares due to temporary setbacks has provided three tremendous value opportunities. In fact, we’re so confident in the future performance of these companies that we’re putting each of them into our updated Top 3 “Best Buy” list – making them our three highest-conviction ideas in today’s market.
Not every share-price decline is a buying opportunity, though. In this issue, we’ll explain why one of our recommended stocks has turned into a dreaded “value trap” – a situation where a stock appears attractive due to a cheap valuation… but where the declining business fundamentals actually warrant that cheap valuation, and therefore a depressed share price. In cases such as this, not selling soon enough is a big mistake – as the popular saying goes: “Cut your losses and let the winners run!” – and that’s the corrective action we’re taking to kick off our portfolio review below.
This content is only available for paid members.
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