A Possible Turning Point For Distressed Debt

Tight credit isn’t the only factor driving the Distress Ratio’s rise and fall. But it’s a powerful one that’s likely to keep making it harder for struggling companies to refinance their maturing debt in coming months. It all adds up to a likelihood that distressed-debt investors will have a significantly wider array of bonds to choose from before very long.

A One-Two Punch To U.S. Stocks

In this issue, we provide updates on several current recommendations in the portfolio that have fallen in value. Some of these are world-class companies that dominate their respective industries. One is not. The distinction provides a good lesson in when to sell and when to hold.

“Prepare For A Multi-Decade Bear Market In Bonds”

Welcome to the Daily Journal Sunday Investment Chronicles: All the insight from the past week that you need to know, in one convenient place… Every Sunday we’ll highlight the most compelling insights from Porter & Co., and we’ll also share the most interesting and valuable research from elsewhere in the worlds of investing, finance, and economics that we come across each week.

Apple Is Losing Its Luster

Apple is one of the largest companies in the world, with a market capitalization of $3.7 trillion, and the shares up 131,000% since 1997. But over the past three years, revenue has been flat, while share valuations have continued to rise. Trouble ahead for this tech giant?

Rising Up From The Great Debacle

Today’s Daily Journal features an exclusive book excerpt highlighting the dean of high-yield investing Marty Fridson, Porter & Co. Distressed Investing’s senior analyst. Marty has written eight books on investing – including The Little Books Of Picking Top Stocks and Financial Statement Analysis – and now is the focus of a chapter of a book on corporate finance being released soon.