Cash Burn Turns Into Cash Flow
This company was built on the idea of technology “outpacing the law,” and it’s turbocharged a staggeringly effective online network of customers that circumvents traditional business practices in more than 70 countries… And is now generating a profit and shares will soon begin to rise.
Gold’s Dirty Little Secret
Over the past half century, the price of gold has risen more than 7,500% in U.S. dollar terms, yet, over the same period, gold stocks have risen only 1,000%. In this week’s Big Secret, we explain why and how it can play out in your investment outlook.
A Letter To My Son
Today’s 12 Days of Christmas selection is from Porter, sharing the letter he wrote to his son Traveler about life (being poor sucks), investing (don’t overpay for stocks), and more. We hope that you enjoy it… and we'll be back with our usual program on January 6.
Massive Currency Devaluation Means…
Although Bitcoin adoption could take several decades, its role in global markets cannot be ignored. With institutions now able to invest through ETFs, Bitcoin is rapidly gaining acceptance, this analyst writes.
Avoiding The End Of America
After watching Porter’s End of America documentary, today’s guest writer did some research and then did something else that shocked many people – including his good friend Porter.
Reagan’s Bull Run
When Ronald Reagan spoke to traders and brokers on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in 1985, he was greeted with roars of approval for what his policies had done for the U.S. economy during his first term as president.
Researching an investment story is a lot like solving a murder mystery, Liz McNulty writes today. Behind the publicly available information, there’s often a saga that no one sees at first glance...
Horse, Meet Water
Today’s writer says he finds it difficult to choose a favorite piece of Porter’s writing, but the following essay – originally written in 2015, detailing the three most important ideas every investor needs to know to be successful – is certainly near the top of the list.
Wall Street’s Two Biggest Secrets
Today, Ross Hendricks shares the two most valuable investing secrets that you won’t hear from the Wall Street machine or the talking heads in the financial media.
Following Jim Rogers
Today, we share excerpts from Investment Biker, by Jim Rogers, who is viewed as one of the founding fathers of the boots-on-the-ground approach to investing in emerging and frontier markets around the world.