Biotech Frontiers

Spare Parts For Humans

Defense Department As Strategic Customer

Innovative Solutions For Life-Threatening Wounds

Below is the most recent issue of Biotech Frontiers, from analyst Erez Kalir. 

In this issue, Erez provides one buy recommendation and a full review of the Biotech Frontiers portfolio.

In addition to hosting Porter & Co. Biotech Frontiers on our website, we also make it available as a downloadable PDF. Subscribers can access this issue as a PDF on the “Issues & Updates” page here.

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Dr. Oleksandr Sokolov knew he had a matter of minutes to save his young patient’s life. 

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In Ukraine, 80% of those hit by Russian munitions suffer vascular trauma that causes them to die instantly. The 20% who don’t still tend to suffer gruesome injuries, often leaving them in critical condition with major arteries torn open and bleeding profusely. For these patients, every second counts.

Increasingly, to save these lives, Dr. Sokolov and his team near the front lines in Ukraine rely on a breakthrough technology developed by a small American company based in Durham, North Carolina. This company – a leader in the field of regenerative medicine – has developed an off-the-shelf, instantly implantable human blood vessel that a surgeon can swap in for a damaged or destroyed major artery. Dubbed an acellular tissue engineered vessel (“ATEV”), the innovation offers several huge advantages over the prior standard of care. For example, because it’s generated from human tissue, it’s not prone to the immune rejection and infections that plague synthetic vessels. Because it’s storable with a long shelf life, it can be readily stocked at military hospitals and even makeshift care units on or near the battlefield. And because it can be ripped out of its storage bag and implanted immediately, it shaves crucial minutes off the time it would take a surgeon to find a vein in the patient’s body that would be a suitable substitute for a blown artery – the other solution besides using older synthetic vessels.

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Dr. Sokolov explained the value of the use of ATEV’s in Ukraine in a presentation he gave to the U.S. military, “We are very grateful for the invaluable support during this difficult time. The ATEV implantations performed for patients with blast trauma helped save their lives and limbs.”

As we’ll see in this month’s issue, the ATEV treatment that’s transforming care for injured civilians and soldiers in Ukraine will also soon be transforming the lives of vascular trauma patients in the U.S. – for example, victims of automobile and motorcycle accidents, shootings, stabbings, industrial mishaps, and internal hemorrhages due to aneurysms. These patients, who number in the hundreds of thousands annually, show up in U.S. emergency rooms fighting for their lives. ATEVs stand to revolutionize the way they are treated.