Porter’s Daily Journal

Brace yourself. Porter Stansberry will write directly to you and your fellow members, drawing on his 25+ years as an analyst to bring you unfiltered investing insights. Business, finance, economy, philosophy, and life… everything is uncensored, and nothing is off limits. Porter’s Daily Journal includes the weekday editions and the weekend editions… the Saturday Stock Screen (which includes a special Partner Pass-only section) and Sunday Investment Chronicles, and is free to all subscribers.

  • Following The Smart Money 
    In this issue of Saturday Stock Screen... we share the process of how we sift through thousands of stocks to find a handful that we will then do more in-depth analysis for possible inclusion in our Big Secret On Wall Street portfolio.
  • Berkshire Hathaway: It’s Over
    Warren Buffett has long warned that the growing size of his portfolio must, inevitably, begin to negatively impact his returns on invested capital. And that’s certainly occurring – though for reasons that are not obvious to most investors, Porter explains.
  • Busting Up A Game Of Liar’s Poker
    An investor who consistently beats the market needs others to be consistently on the wrong side of the trade. Don’t persist with a strategy that makes you the one who’s making money for someone else, Distressed Investing editor Marty Fridson writes.
  • Rising Up From The Great Debacle
    Today’s Daily Journal features an exclusive book excerpt highlighting the dean of high-yield investing Marty Fridson, Porter & Co. Distressed Investing’s senior analyst. Marty has written eight books on investing – including The Little Books Of Picking Top Stocks and Financial Statement Analysis – and now is the focus of a chapter of a book on corporate finance being released soon.
  • Sunday Investment Chronicles
    Welcome to the Daily Journal Sunday Investment Chronicles: All the insight from the past week that you need to know, in one convenient place… Every Sunday we’ll highlight the most compelling insights from Porter & Co., and we’ll also share the most interesting and valuable research from elsewhere in the worlds of investing, finance, and economics that we come across each week.
  • Porter’s 3x Stock Screen
    In this issue of Saturday Stock Screen... we share the process of how we sift through thousands of stocks to find a handful that we will then do more in-depth analysis for possible inclusion in our Big Secret On Wall Street portfolio.
  • The Spice Must Flow… Now More Than Ever
    In time, Porter writes, the most important factor in the economy won’t be the computers or the chips. It will be the power to run them and all of the robots we create. The society that produces the most electricity will win the race.
  • The Easiest Way To Become Truly Wealthy
    There has never been a more powerful consumer brand that is more beloved than Coke. And it’s been a great investment… $40 invested in 1919 would have turned into more than $600,000 by now. In today’s issue, Porter explains why…
  • Good Debt vs. Bad Debt
    To answer a reader’s question, Porter does some research on Philip Morris International and discovers that the nicotine maker produces a great return on its tangible assets – and manages to buy them with very cheap debt. His conclusion? That’s a great business.
  • Sunday Investment Chronicles
    Welcome to the Daily Journal Sunday Investment Chronicles: All the insight from the past week that you need to know, in one convenient place… Every Sunday we’ll highlight the most compelling insights from Porter & Co., and we’ll also share the most interesting and valuable research from elsewhere in the worlds of investing, finance, and economics that we come across each week.