Here at Porter & Co., we view our obligation to our subscribers to deliver world-class investment research and insight as an extraordinary privilege… it’s something we take very seriously.
This sense of commitment has been cultivated through years of working with Porter Stansberry.
For example…
Porter & Co.’s customer care concierge Lance James and chief technology officer Jason Chen began with Porter in 2006… analyst Justin Brill joined Porter’s team in 2009… Aaron Brabham, who leads marketing efforts, has been working with Porter since 2011… business-development head Jamison Miller joined Porter in 2013… Porter & Co. publisher Kim Iskyan first started working with Porter more than a decade ago… lead analyst Ross Hendricks joined Porter’s company in 2017… and executive assistant Alicia Hsieh has been working with Porter since 2018…
Years of working together, and working with Porter, means that the team is positioned to bring readers the very best product possible…
Porter Stansberry – CEO & Founder

Porter Stansberry is the founder of Porter & Co. In 1999, he pecked out his first financial newsletter (Pirate Investor) on a borrowed laptop in a rundown apartment in Baltimore. He continues to create superb financial insights today with Porter & Co., launched in April 2022. Porter’s mission has remained steady for more than two decades: be the world’s leading independent provider of financial research — and set new industry standards for customer service, technological integration, and proprietary analytics. Porter is a proud husband and father, and an avid outdoorsman. He earned his BA in political science and government from the University of Florida. Follow his adventures on Instagram: @porterstansberry and find him on X: @porterstansb
Kim Iskyan – Chief of Editorial

Kim Iskyan is the company’s Chief of Editorial. He launched and managed an investment-research publishing company in Singapore and most recently was a financial and investment analyst and writer with Stansberry Research. Kim started his career on Wall Street in the mid 1990s with a focus on Latin American markets. He later helped build stock markets in Armenia and the Kyrgyz Republic, was a research director for three investment banks in Russia, helped market fund management products in Ireland, ran a hedge fund focused on investing the former Soviet Union, and advised Fortune 100 companies on the political dynamics of investing. Kim has lived in nine countries and and now calls Maryland home. Follow him on X:@kimsiskyan
Martin Fridson – Analyst

Martin Fridson is a senior analyst with Porter & Co. and “perhaps the most well-known figure in the high yield world,” according to Investment Dealers’ Digest. He oversees the research and recommendations for Porter & Co.’s Distressed Investing. At brokerage firms including Salomon Brothers, Morgan Stanley, and Merrill Lynch, he became known for his innovative work in credit analysis and investment strategy. For nine consecutive years he was ranked No. 1 in high-yield strategy in the Institutional Investor All America Research Survey. He has served as president of the Fixed Income Analysts Society, governor of the CFA Institute, director of the New York Society of Security Analysts, and consultant to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. The Financial Management Association International named Fridson the Financial Executive of the Year in 2002. In 2000, he became the youngest person inducted up to that time in the Fixed Income Analysts Society Hall of Fame. A study based on 16 core journals ranked Fridson among the 10 most widely published authors in finance in the period 1990-2001. The CFA Society New York presented Fridson with its Ben Graham Award in 2017. After spending his undergrad years at Harvard College, he earned his MBA at Harvard Business School.
Erez Kalir – Analyst

Erez Kalir is an analyst with Porter & Co. with deep experience in biology, finance, and law. He oversees the research and recommendations for Porter & Co.’s Biotech Frontiers. After studying biology and computer science at Stanford University, he earned a Master’s in biology (with a focus on cell biology and genetics) at Oxford. In his prior experience, he was an early member of the bankruptcy and restructuring group at McKinsey & Co., a founding member of the special-situations team at a large hedge fund affiliated with Goldman Sachs, and worked directly for Julian H. Robertson at Tiger Management during the Global Financial Crisis.
Andy Lipman – Analyst

Andy Lipman is an analyst for Porter & Co.’s Distressed Investing. He has spent his career publishing research on distressed and story-intensive high-yield credits and as a portfolio manager focusing on troubled and bankrupt issuers, as well as post-reorganization equities.
Ross Hendricks – Analyst

Ross Hendricks is an analyst for Porter & Co.’s The Big Secret on Wall Street and brings more than a decade of energy-industry focus to his role. He’s worked with the Chief Investment Officer of a $500-million global macro fund and has done research with Porter as analyst for the Commodities Supercycle service at Stansberry Research. After earning a degree in chemistry from the University of Texas, Ross worked two stints in the energy sector. When he’s not mining his Bloomberg terminal for valuable research nuggets, Ross is posting insights on X @Ross__Hendricks and LinkedIn.
Jared Simons – Analyst

Jared Simons is an equity analyst at Porter & Co. Jared takes what he’s learned from studying Peter Lynch and Peter Thiel to identify disruptive innovators – with a special focus on companies that are democratizing financial services. Previously, Jared was the lead analyst at L.A. Stevens Investments and the Beating the Market service on Seeking Alpha. Jared graduated from the University of Florida, Warrington College of Business with a degree in finance. Jared enjoys studying investor psychology and the history of capital markets. Follow him on X:@JS_PorterandCo
Justin Brill – Analyst

Justin Brill is an analyst for Porter & Co., bringing 20 years of financial market experience to his role – including more than a decade working with Porter as editor of the Stansberry Digest. He holds degrees in psychology and finance from Johns Hopkins University.
Lance James – Director of Customer Care

Lance James is the customer care concierge for Porter & Co. and has a 20-year history in the financial-publishing business. Working with Porter for 10 years at Stansberry Research, he also worked at Money Map Press, Roundtable Research, and Weiss Ratings establishing their sales and customer-service teams. His main focus is to build quality teams that put the subscriber first. Lance is a big soccer fan and married with two kids. You can reach Lance at [email protected], or by phone: (443) 815-4447.