My long-term plan for Porter & Co. is to hire a small group of world-class analysts to help continue my work in several areas, where I have a lot of experience and where I believe we have a definitive edge.
For example, covering the property and casualty insurance stocks, covering biotech, and covering deep value stocks – all sectors of the market that offer significantly higher than average returns.
However, these additional products will only be available to our “partners” in the business. Porter & Company Partners are subscribers who have joined us, forever, via a lifetime subscription ($10,000). After joining, our Partners will receive everything we publish, at no additional charge beyond a small annual maintenance fee ($199). If you are familiar with our Alliance offer at Stansberry Research, you know how this is the best way to align our interests and serve you over the long term. (At Stansberry Research, our initial Alliance offer sold for $2,500 and included three or four research products. It now costs over $30k to join and includes dozens of products. Subscribers who joined early got the deal of a lifetime.)