
A Letter to My Son

Dear Reader,

It’s been a historic week here at Porter & Co.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we hosted our first-ever annual conference at Porter’s farm – with a lineup of luminary speakers, world-class entertainment, and gourmet food. (Oh, that food.) The Porter & Co. team spent quality time with friends old and new – possibly, including you.

(If you missed the conference, we’ll make recordings available soon for paid-up Big Secret readers. And you can always attend next year, too… if you’re a Partner Pass member.)

And this week, we’re bringing you something special.

In September, Porter’s oldest son, Traveler, turned 16. Porter gifted him $17,000 (the maximum amount allowable before taxes)… and then wrote him a heartfelt letter distilling a quarter-century of financial wisdom into just a few pages, to advise him on what to do with the money.

He also wrote about the three factors you need to be a successful investor… four questions to ask when considering a lifetime investment in a company… and how much money Traveler would have made by now if he’d invested $17,000 in Hershey back in 2007, when he was a newborn.

Of course, the letter isn’t all investment research. Porter also tossed in some nuggets of hard-won life wisdom, including gems like “Being poor sucks” and “You don’t want to go through life without teeth.”

The letter is such a good read – and so valuable for investors of any age – that with Porter’s permission, we edited it a bit and turned it into a published report.

You can download the full “Letter to Traveler” PDF here.

We’ll be back next week with a full issue of The Big Secret on Wall Street.

To your success,

Porter & Co.
Stevenson, MD